In the magical realm of Furdrobe, where every doggy sparkles, the approach of Valentine’s Day brought with it a flurry of activity. The Fairy Dogmother and her fairies were deeply immersed in the creation of the beautiful Ruby Rose Collection, weaving threads of love and magic into every piece.
This enchanting collection was inspired by the Fairy Dogmother's quest to uncover the art of crafting silk roses. This journey led her to seek guidance from the chief Flower Fairy in a faraway land, who graciously unlocked the secrets of magical rose creation. With newfound wisdom, the fairies travelled to distant realms, uncovering materials most befitting the spirit of Valentine’s Day.
After years of searching, they unearthed the treasures of a duchess satin silk, a rare red metallic silk organza, rosy red crystals with silver rims, and precious red heart crystals. Yet, although the Fairy Dogmother was pleased, a sense of incompleteness lingered, prompting her to share her lament with the crystal-hunting fairy. Puzzled, the crystal-hunting fairy departed, pondering on a solution. Soon after, in a stroke of luck, she crossed paths with a sassy pirate fairy, who possessed a map to territory unknown to the Furdrobe fairies. Eager for the map, the crystal-hunting fairy exchanged it for all her gold. This fortuitous encounter led her to discover rare and unusual crystals from the mountains of Austria. And so, all the materials were gathered, ready for the Ruby Rose Collection, and the fairies began their work.
As they diligently worked their magic, the heart of the collection emerged - the VIP Ruby Rose, a grand silk rose adorned with a thousand crystals, featuring a rare vintage round crystal. A marvel of the fairies, it became the crowning jewel of the collection.
Once they had finished, they all gazed at their work and they were delighted, for the Ruby Rose Collection was beautiful, and stood poised to captivate the hearts of every doggy and inspire wonder this Valentine’s Day.